Ready to find the right job for you?

We’re here to help you find lasting, meaningful employment

We provide personalized support to help you with resume writing and improve your interview skills. You also get access to other services, resources, and training from a team of experts to get you ready for your next job.

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Young man in glasses and a blazer shaking hands with someone

How we can help

By registering with us, you get access to personalized services to be prepare for your next job, virtually manage your job search, match with local employers, and find your next great job. Our services are free to you, funded by the Government of Ontario.

A straight-forward route to sustainable employment


Complete our EmployNext online intake form that assesses a jobseeker’s employment needs, barriers, and preferences.


Get matched with a local employment services provider with the best skillset to support you.


Our employment experts create a personalized Employment Action Plan by identifying career goals, transferable skills and networking opportunities.


Jobseekers access a centralized digital platform to stay connected to their employment service officer, build their resume, develop new skills, apply for jobs, and prepare for interviews.


Successful candidates can also access employment-related funding and social assistance services.

Ready to find your next job?

Register with us and get started on your job search journey

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